Archives: colitis

Yoga in the Grass

Yoga in the Grass

Group Pic

Group Pic – Yoga Retreat!

After returning home from a wonderful weekend yoga retreat I’m feeling grateful, blessed and honored!

Grateful to have had the opportunity to work with such wonderful women (and 1 man!)

Blessed to work in a field that is my passion.

Honored to have shared the energy, restoration and nature with each person at The Garden.

One of my favorite parts was showing the student’s different restorative poses that they can relax in. Then I watched as they used the poses to relax on their own without my instruction! Now that’s a true yogi listening to their body. Priceless.

Another highlight for me was practicing yoga in the grass. As we stood in tadasana, mountain pose, the wind blew across our faces and rustled the trees. The sounds of nature inspired me to create new sequences and step out of my comfort zone. I stayed completely in the moment. We even saw 2 deer cross the field in front of us – incredible!

The food was vegetarian fare, inventive,  flavorful and not boring at all! It was all the things I could have possibly wanted for my retreat! Thanks Abby and Travis!

To feel in my element, relaxed, and at ease while working is exactly how I’d like to continue my career.

Stay tuned for future retreats. Next time it will probably be more exotic – Mexico or Costa Rica anyone? Which would you prefer? I’d like to know who’s interested in joining so I can start putting a list together. Email or message me letting me know your interest!

Can’t wait to share the retreat experience with you – it’s truly incredible!

Everything Is Going to be Alright

I’m reading this book called The Journey by Brandon Bays. In the book she shares her story of how she healed a cancerous tumor in 6 weeks, yep, she made it disappear. WOW! It’s stories like hers that make my mouth drop and have me staring off into space thinking to myself that anything’s possible.

How did she do it? She went inside her tumor and found what was stuck there. She worked on clearing it out emotionally and within 6 weeks there was no sign of the tumor at all.

If it were that simple, how come we aren’t all doing this?

Well I’ve found it to be very challenging to figure out exactly what is “stuck” in me. Recently an issue came up for me that I hadn’t thought about since high school. This particular issue had me working to remember what exactly happened and how it affected me at the time. Wow, going back into the past is pretty powerful. Even as a young teenager I somehow brushed my emotions under the carpet so that I could go on and have a “normal” high school experience.

Maybe this particular issue is the one stuck inside my digestive tract. Maybe this issue coupled with a few others are what’s stuck to my insides. I’m not sure what it is yet, but I’m working on it.

To me, it’s amazing how this one book has helped me dig deeper then where I’ve already been. I’d say I’m pretty in touch with my emotions, but maybe there’s more that I’ve been unaware of until now.

Even when you think you’ve done the work, there always seems to be more that creeps up. I’d say it’s all worth taking a look at to see how you’ve neglected to get rid of any pent up emotions. If you don’t clear those emotions, then they get stuck in your cells creating disease.

I believe it, do you?



picture taken from

Have you heard about this new show called Food Hospital? Finally it’s happening! The word is spreading that illness and pain can be healed through food and diet!

The show is on Cooking Channel on Monday nights at 9pm. Don’t forget to set your dvr! I haven’t seen the show yet, but I couldn’t be happier that this issue is finally being shown and projected to the public! Way to go Cooking Channel – you’ve answered my prayers!

To all of those fellow coaches, nutritionists, and alternative health practitioners out there – cheers to us on having our voices heard.

There is always more work to be done, but finally a glimpse into real patients making real changes!

Can’t wait to watch this!

Check out this link to find out more about the program.

To health & happiness.

Tropicana Advertisement on NYC Subway

I saw this advertisement on the subway in NYC. As I sat among fellow NYers watching their expressions (or lack there of) I saw how wonderful this AD really is! It definitely had the effect of making someone smile spontaneously – that would be me! I’m a sucker for great AD’s – I pay attention and love when I see clever ones.

Good work Tropicana. Even though I’m not in love with their product, they got me on the AD. Thanks for the smile.

Cheers to spontaneity.

I just came back from a small trip to Florida – I visited my grandmother and soaked in the warmth. Gosh I love how warm and fuzzy the sun, good weather and blue skies makes me feel. It boggles my mind how much the weather effects my mood. Do you feel that way too?

I wish I didn’t let the weather dictate how I feel on a particular day but sometimes I just can’t help it. Like today, all I wanted to do was snuggle up in bed with a warm cup of tea with my kitty purring beside me. Unfortunately working for myself, the networking and marketing never stop! So I was out there making contacts, teaching and spreading the health word – someone has to do it!

If you didn’t know already – I wrote a book!!! I feel like standing on top of a mountain and screaming that really loud at the top of my lungs! The reason being because I almost can’t believe that it actually turned into a book! I am now selling The Fix Your Belly Blues Program on Amazon Kindle as well as my own website!

I’ve made a career out of teaching others how to be their healthiest selves. As many of you know, my niche market is working with people who have digestive problems. My book is a 21 day program for people who suffer from crohns, colitis and other digestive problems. Currently you can purchase is through my website by clicking here

Or you can buy it on Kindle at by clicking here

My goal is to provide coaching and guidance for those diagnosed with digestive disorders. I myself needed coaching/guidance when I was first diagnosed but I couldn’t find it. That’s why I created my own method and am now sharing it with you and the world. So please, help me spread the word. If you know someone who suffers from digestive problems, send them to my website – I know they will thank you (and so will I!) The Fix Your Belly Blues Program was designed to kick your disease out the door. With lots of tips, guidance, recipes, yoga and meditation you will feel fully supported as you work on healing yourself – that’s the goal. My next step is to begin offering special yoga/meditation retreats specifically for those suffering from crohns/colitis. I am writing out my intention with positive hopes that this will actually happen before the end of 2013! Your support is definitely welcome.

Cheers to a wonderful year ahead.


A few weeks ago I was having a flare-up. Yes, even I still get them. Even though I watch my diet, practice yoga & meditate, sometimes the flare-ups happen anyway. I’m only human! I am looking forward to a day in the near future when my flare-ups happen 0% of the time, but until then I’ll keep letting you know about my process.

I have noticed that my flare-ups happen less and are much less extreme then they once were (which I definitely see as positive!). Here’s what I tried this time around:

This yoga pose is very easy to do at home using pillows, a blanket and a chair.

If you are suffering from bloating, constipation, hemorrhoids etc. then I highly recommend that you try this. Stay in the pose for a minimum of 10 minutes and keep at it for however long feels good to you.

Relax to the Max yoga pose

The picture pretty much explains the pose, but a few things to be mindful of: make sure the pillow underneath your sacrum (your waistband) feels comfortable. Your pelvis should be slightly lifted. Make sure that your knees are on the edge of the chair. Cover yourself with a blanket and RELAX! Let go and surrender.

I like to call this pose: Relax to the Max Pose

While you’re in Relax to the Max, you might get a visit from a wonderful, healing, furry friend (if you have one!) let them serenade you with their love.

A Love Fest in Relax to the Max


Say no to fear and yes to acceptance.

Lately my anxiety levels have been a tad high. I’m not exactly sure why but I think what’s making it worse is the fact that I keep trying to figure out why it’s happening. The same thing goes when I have a stomachache. I try to figure it out until I’m blue in the face – not literally but you get my drift.

Last night and this morning I tried a new ritual.

Before bed I said to myself:

It’s ok to feel anxious

It’s ok to have a stomachache

It’s ok to not always feel the best.

By accepting it and not pushing it away I’m able to feel what’s going on in my body instead of trying to change it.

This can certainly apply to you if you have a specific issue that you’re dealing with and can’t exactly figure out how to feel better about it. Start with acceptance and miracles will happen.

I woke up this morning feeling…. Different.

There’s something to this acceptance thing. Try it out! I dare you!

***With Thanksgiving here in 2 days I had to share a delicious recipe with ya’ll. It’s for gluten free stuffing!

Hazelnut Stuffing adapted from Terry Walters Clean Food Cookbook

Serves 6

3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

1 large yellow onion, diced

5 stalks celery, diced

½ pound cremini mushrooms, diced

½ cup diced dried apples, no sugar added

2 tablespoons chopped fresh rosemary

2 tablespoons dried parsley

1 cup hazelnuts

6 slices gluten free rice bread cut into ½ inch cubes and toasted

½ cup organic vegetable stock

¼ cup tamari

2 tablespoons mirin

Freshly ground black pepper to taste

½ cup toasted slivered almonds

Chopped fresh parsley for garnish

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F

In a large skillet heat the oil over medium heat and sauté the onion until soft. Add the celery, mushrooms, apples, rosemary and dried parsley and sauté 4 minutes. Fold in crushed hazelnuts and toasted bread cubes and remove from heat.

In a small bowl, whisk together stock, tamari and mirin. Drizzle over stuffing mixture to evenly soak. Season with pepper to taste and gently fold to combine all ingredients. Place in a large casserole or stuff into a roasted winter squash and bake 25 minutes until top is lightly toasted.

Remove from oven then top with almonds and fresh parsley – serve.

Dear Friends,

I am SO excited to share this news with you! I just launched my newest program to help those with gastrointestinal problems. It’s called The Fix Your Belly Blues Program and the best news about it is that it’s all online. It’s a 21-day program with a focus on cleansing, diet, yoga/meditation. It includes everything you need to know to help your belly heal. I have used my own personal experience to create the program and that’s how I know it works!

If you or anyone you know has the belly blues, ie: colitis, crohns, ibs, gastritis, ulcers, heartburn, diverticulitis, etc… and are looking for a way to feel better – then this is the program for you. Click the link below to see my promo video and to learn more about the program. Also, please share the link below with anyone you think might benefit from this! Help spread the word! I appreciate your help and I look forward to seeing you all soon!

click HERE to check it out!




Here is the second half of my lecture. Enjoy!

<After college I moved into Manhattan with my then boyfriend, now husband. I was again stressed out and searching for a job. Through the many informational interviews and internships – paid and un-paid – I came to realize that the line of work I had been searching for just wasn’t doing it for me.

More stress – and the only thing that truly made me feel better was practicing yoga and eating healthy. Two things that I knew I should be doing more of in my life. I was never one to eat a diet filled with lots of sugar, but my diet was nowhere near the healthy level that it is now.

One day, my now sister-in-law and I were talking and as I was recommending a food product that she should try – bam, her comment was: you should do this for a living – and that was it… As soon as I got home I ran to the computer and did research.

I found the Integrative Institute of Nutrition where I could obtain a certificate to become a health coach – PERFECT!

As well as going to school for health coaching, I signed up for yoga school because after going to the same weekly yoga class in college, I knew how amazing it made my body feel and I wanted to be able to give that to others. SO I got certified in an accelerated program in just one month! By the time I was finished with yoga school, I was all ready to learn about health coaching.

As a health coach, we learn about all the different diets out there, that one diet doesn’t work for everyone, and one person’s medicine might be another person’s poison. When talking to my GI doctor about which foods I should eat for my colitis he told me I could eat anything I want. My intuition told me that wasn’t correct so I did lots and lots of research to find out that those who suffer from colitis feel much better when going on a gluten free diet.  So, I tried it and it stuck. I now follow a gluten free diet, I limit my dairy intake since I know dairy causes mucus, and I seem to have an abundance of that, so the least amount of dairy the better for me.

As well as my Gluten free diet, I also stay away from processed foods, refined foods like white flour & white sugar and I stick to natural sugars like honey, maple syrup and agave. I eat lots of veggies as well as some meat but only once or twice a week and I always make sure it’s grass fed and organic because after seeing the movie Food inc I didn’t have a choice… For those who have seen it know what I’m referring to, and for those who don’t, I suggest you watch the grueling film about our country’s food industry.

I have learned an abundance of information about the importance of eating organic and I know that if I don’t pay attention to what goes into my body, then who else will? The way I see it is, my body is my temple, my home and if I treat it like garbage then I’ll most likely feel like garbage.

On top of my diet change, I’ve furthered my yoga practice. After learning how to create my own home practice to soothe my soul, I make sure to meditate and practice breathing exercises such as ujaii breathing, breath of fire and alternate nostril breathing every morning. We’re now going to practice alternate nostril breathing so you can see what I mean. I’ve learned to help calm the mind and body with this exercise. Let’s clear our laps, sit up tall in your chair and feel your feet on the ground: Do 3 rounds of alternate nostril breathing.

Since practicing yoga and breathing exercises everyday I’ve noticed a large shift in my stress level and I find myself able to control my breathing, which causes me to calm down when faced with stressful situations.

On top of all that I’ve already changed in my life to help my healing process, I’ve implemented a seasonal cleanse. My current yoga teacher, William Duprey taught me how to complete a yogic cleanse called dhauti – he was certain it would help clear my colitis symptoms completely. I wasn’t sure about this, but given my openness to trying new healing modalities, I was game. He gave me the instructions to drink a certain amount of Himalayan sea salt mixed with water and do specific yoga postures between each glass of water. Needless to say, I was in the bathroom all night but by the end of it I was completely cleaned out and ready to start fresh. So far, I’ve done this cleanse twice and have felt great after.  I intend to continue doing this each season because cleaning out the body is as healthy as it gets and it helps to clear my colitis symptoms too.

Now that I’ve spoken all about what I’ve done for myself to help me feel better, the only thing that would top off this talk is some actual research! Well, I do have it and I know we all appreciate results on paper – so here it is. I don’t have the numbers from my colonoscopy test in 2007, but when I had one in 2009 my DR. said the colitis was 11 cm up the colon and that number was slightly better then my test in 2007. This year, 2011 I had another test and my DR. said the colitis was just 3 cm up the colon making it proctitis instead of colitis! That’s a huge difference and means what I’m doing is actually working! The first thing the Dr. said when he told me that result was: wow, those enemas must really be working! – in my head I thought – Sorry dr. C but I barely take the enemas and there’s no way they did this healing.

I have to say that all the work I’ve done on myself has really paid off. I can’t say I’m 100% better, there are still days where I see blood and mucus in my stool but I know I’m on the mend, and the fact that doctors say this disease is incurable, well…. We’ll see about that. I have all the positive energy and thoughts to know that what I’m doing is working. With that, I leave you with a thought – even though disease is said to be in-curable, with will-power and the right tools, can it be cured? No one will ever know, but it’s definitely food for thought. I thank you all for listening and I hope I’ve given you some hope that whatever disease it is you or someone you know struggles with, don’t give up, talk to everyone you know until you find the right cure to make you feel better. Questions?>


This post is for those who have never tried acupuncture. If you suffer from disease or pain, you must find yourself the right practitioner. Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine where your healer not only wants to know what hurts in your body but they actually want to know how you feel mentally, physically and emotionally. She looks at my body as a whole – starting with my face, eyes, and skin coloring. Then she checks my tongue, pulses and feels the temperature of my body. Not only does she work to heal my digestive problems, but she also helps me reduce stress in my body, mind and spirit by allowing me to take 50 minutes to rest without anywhere else to be. It’s my time and I love it. There are no distractions only my own mind, which I work to quiet as I receive treatment.

Last week my body was fighting a cold and my symptoms included having a headache, jaw pain and restless sleep. I was treated for these cold symptoms as well as my regular stomach digestive problems and granted, the next day I was feeling a bit under the weather, but the day after that I was back to myself! It’s almost as though the acupuncture helped speed up the process of my cold and I was able to ‘get it out’ without actually having a full-blown cold.

All I can say is that I feel incredible after treatment from my acupuncturist. I am relaxed, elated and am ready to conquer the rest of my day. I promise if you find the right practitioner you won’t be disappointed. Please give it a shot, it’s for your health and you deserve to feel your best.

If you’d like to learn more about it please check out THIS book.

Take care of your temple, it’s the only place you ever HAVE to live.