This is for those of you out there who suffer from adult acne. Do you ever wonder why your face always seems to be on fire?
That’s how I look at it – when I see someone with severe acne I think of it as a face that’s on fire, a body that’s screaming on the inside and can only find one way out – through the nasty little pimples that spring up on our faces.
I used to be one of those people too – that’s why I feel it’s ok to write about. Mine was never so severe, but it was there and I didn’t like it. I always noticed that my left side was consistently worse then the right. The way I began to see it was that I had a blockage on the left side – which made complete sense – that’s the side that I feel my colitis act up when I do have a flare up; everything is definitely related.
With the change of my diet and the addition of daily breath exercises I noticed a serious change in my face – it was clear!
I’m sure many of you out there are sick and tired of those ugly little pimples that keep popping out – even for those ladies who only get them near their period. Ask yourself one question? Why?
Now maybe you’ve already asked yourself this question and haven’t found an answer but I know that my body always sends me signals & messages to help me figure out mysteries within my own skin. For me, it was the sugar coupled with stress. So what did I do? I cut down on processed sugars and allow myself to have natural sugars at least once a day – so I’m not completely deprived.
What’s it going to take for you to make a change? Your face is already screaming for help. What else has to scream to make you understand that your body doesn’t like greasy food that gives you heartburn, or tons of sugar filled crap that makes you crash in 1 hours time – see what I’m saying?
Everything’s related.
Change your diet and watch magic happen. Your face will clear, you’ll feel better. Isn’t that what we all want for our new years resolutions anyway?
It’s not as hard as it seems. Take it one step at a time. Change one thing about your diet and see how it makes you feel – then change something else… it’s all about the baby steps.
If you have questions you know I’m always available to chat.
Yours in health,