We just returned home from a trip to Asia. For the past 2 years Chad has gone to China for business. This time I went with him and we snuck in Bali and called it the 3rd and final part of our honeymoon!
What an incredible place. Hong Kong was a beautiful city too. Most parts are modern, well taken care of, very up to date and super efficient! Most importantly for us – everyone spoke English! I can’t say the same for mainland China… it was quite a different place, lots of smog, smelly water and where we were in Guangzhou, which is southern China, not many people spoke English. Let’s just say it was the harder part of our trip – not to mention this is where Chad got sick. Yup, food poisoning… Which was bizarre because we were SO careful, only eating vegetarian for the entire trip, only drinking bottled water, the works. He still managed to get it… He recovered the next day and we moved on, but still, man was that rough!
Bali was my favorite part of the trip. We were completely immersed in their culture, which by the way is very centered around their faith. Mostly everyone we encountered was so nice that it felt like there weren’t any Balinese people out there who would hurt another soul – of course that’s not true, but that’s how it felt.
Being surrounded by a culture that is fully family centered, faith centered and truly believes in luck was eye opening. Most people are so thankful for their jobs and happy to help. It was a totally different world from our abode here in NYC and it was a fantastic break from everyday life. All in all, we absolutely loved it.
The best part about Ubud, Bali is that going out to eat for Chad and I was simple! There are so many organic & healthy restaurants that it was hard to choose which one to go to each night! We even found LOTS of gluten free items!! We were spoiled by the freshness, brightness and care that was put into the food.
My next post will be focused on the incredible food in Bali, stay tuned for the follow up.