Archives: December 2012

“Feel great, act great and approve of yourself.

This quote was on my Yogi Tea teabag this morning. I resonate with the “approve of yourself “ part of the quote. I’m sure many of you struggle with this. Do you ever feel like you’re not doing enough in this world, Or that your work is not enough? Who are you trying to convince but yourself? As I reminisce about my past year, the things I’ve accomplished, my goals, etc. I find myself thinking: wait a minute – have I really accomplished my goals this year? Then I think again and say to myself – who cares??

Of course it feels wonderful to create goals, accomplish them and feel wonderful all the time about yourself, but c’mon who are we kidding? That doesn’t happen 100% of the time. I’m happy that I’ve accomplished 70% of my goals and the rest will roll over into 2013. Big whoop!

Don’t be so hard on yourself. If you didn’t achieve your goals, there’s always tomorrow. Stay optimistic, positive and happy – that’s what really matters.

Don’t let the new year, new you thing get you down. Think of the new year as a new start. Even if you’re working on the same project, think about it in a new light. Stay positive and all your worries will magically subside.

Chad and I started a new hobby. We collect our Yogi Tea fortunes and place them in a jar. It’s really fun to shake it up and pick out a fortune. They are always meaningful and most of the time we can apply it to our lives. I give you full permission to steal this hobby! It’s a fun one and should be shared.

Cheers to 2013!



My favorite scene from the movie Love Actually. Click picture to watch the clip!

Gratitude. That’s what this season is about right? Not just family, friends, traditions, food and drink, but also gratitude!

Throughout my yoga classes this week I ‘ve asked my students what they are grateful for. I asked them to pinpoint one thing, person, and quality about themselves that they feel grateful for. Want to try it?

We live such busy lives. Working, traveling from place to place etc… Do you ever get just one moment to stop everything and feel what it is that you’re grateful for?

Try it now. Close your eyes and tune in.

Find something, someone and one quality about yourself that you’re grateful for. Sit with your gratitude. Breathe in love, breathe out fear, anxiety and stress.

Now that you’ve realized what you’re grateful for, share it. Tell the person you feel grateful for. Write it in your journal. Tell someone else.

Feeling gratitude is wonderful, but sharing it is even better.

Spread the love. Feel it in your fingers & toes!

Cheers to you!

Yesterday I was strolling up 5th avenue near 14th street in NYC and something caught my eye. It was a sign that said “eat real food.” Now most of you know me by now and know that that’s pretty much the motto that I live by. So you can imagine that even though I already had a full belly from eating at my other favorite nearby restaurant named Souen, I was more then happy to check out this interesting place with a sign so clearly written with me in mind!

Have you heard of Hu Kitchen? Let me tell you it’s one to check out. Everything and I mean everything is made from whole food. No preservatives, nothing processed, just plain, simple, clean, local, delicious food!

Their almond and coconut milks are both homemade, they have grass-fed meat, organic chicken, organic veggies, juices, smoothies, chocolate, food to take away – healthy style!! They serve breakfast, lunch and dinner – but it’s not a sit down, waiter type of place – you order, get the food yourself and eat on their beautiful wooden tables. The place makes you want to stay there to eat. Too bad my belly was already full when I discovered this place – no worries though, I’ll be back to give it a proper food review – but I  had to share the good news with you beforehand!

New York is FINALLY hopping on the whole food bandwagon! It took a little bit of time, but I knew it would happen eventually. Add this one to the list.

Here’s a quote from their website:

“We make food for humans and, frankly, we think it’s about time someone did. It isn’t as glamorous as a pill or a fad diet. It probably won’t sell books. We’re OK with that. We’re not here to make a quick buck in the same tired food space. We’re not here to be just another shelf in the megastore of “healthy” food products. We’re here to start a revolution.”

Now that’s what I’m talking about.

Cheers to Hu.

Here’s a link to their website: Hu Kitchen