Archives: Between Heaven and Earth


This post is for those who have never tried acupuncture. If you suffer from disease or pain, you must find yourself the right practitioner. Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine where your healer not only wants to know what hurts in your body but they actually want to know how you feel mentally, physically and emotionally. She looks at my body as a whole – starting with my face, eyes, and skin coloring. Then she checks my tongue, pulses and feels the temperature of my body. Not only does she work to heal my digestive problems, but she also helps me reduce stress in my body, mind and spirit by allowing me to take 50 minutes to rest without anywhere else to be. It’s my time and I love it. There are no distractions only my own mind, which I work to quiet as I receive treatment.

Last week my body was fighting a cold and my symptoms included having a headache, jaw pain and restless sleep. I was treated for these cold symptoms as well as my regular stomach digestive problems and granted, the next day I was feeling a bit under the weather, but the day after that I was back to myself! It’s almost as though the acupuncture helped speed up the process of my cold and I was able to ‘get it out’ without actually having a full-blown cold.

All I can say is that I feel incredible after treatment from my acupuncturist. I am relaxed, elated and am ready to conquer the rest of my day. I promise if you find the right practitioner you won’t be disappointed. Please give it a shot, it’s for your health and you deserve to feel your best.

If you’d like to learn more about it please check out THIS book.

Take care of your temple, it’s the only place you ever HAVE to live.