I’m inspired to write and I’m also a little embarrassed that my last post was nearly 2 years ago. I can’t believe that much time has passed… SO much has happened and Soul Flyte has really taken off. Last time I wrote about Soul Flyte it was only our 4th week in business… Now we’ve been in business for 3.5 years! WOW! I guess I was a little wrapped up and left this blog for a while. I’m happy to say that I’m inspired again and would love to bring it back. I hope it will last! I can’t predict that I will write every week or every month, but I’m ok with writing from time to time, it’s important for me to express myself in that way.
In any case – I’ve watched Soul Flyte in Nyack flourish, bringing community together with all of our events, amazing instructors and fabulous students. What I didn’t realize is how much I’ve focused on getting it up and running that I haven’t really focused much on myself. Yes, I’m still a health nut, going to my acupuncture and chiropractor sessions every month and taking my supplements daily – I still take care of myself but I haven’t talked much about it. I still see clients to help heal their bellies but I haven’t filled you in or shared my experiences. I apologize about that. I think I was just so overwhelmed by everything going on in my life that my personal stuff just sort of fell to the wayside.
I just enrolled in Mama Gena’s Mastery program for Womanly Arts. Reading her book called Pussy has made me realize that I’ve totally fallen into the same rut as so many other women – we put others first before ourselves. Time and time again. Well I’m here to let you know that I’m stopping that. I will put myself first, making sure I’m doing what’s right for my truth and my body. I love to write! Why did I ever stop?!
This feels like a whole new journey that I’m about to embark on. The program actually starts in March, but I’ve already started reading her book to give me a jump start. I can’t wait to see what the next few months will bring. Stay tuned!
nan-say says: hiya shirs !
you are always, always so adventureous
giveyourself a lot of credit !
LOVE meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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