Glass Half Full

Dec 13
Ready to roll!

Ready to roll!

Yesterday was my colonoscopy test that I typically get every 2-3 years. No, I’m not a 50 year old – however I do have ulcerative colitis and in that case I have to get checked out more often then the typical 28 year old.

How did it go? Well…. It was pretty shitty… KIDDING! It was actually fine. I mean it’s pretty uncomfortable and not fun at all BUT the results were that nothing has changed, gotten worse or better – which in my eyes is great news. I always hope that it’s gotten smaller and that one-day it will completely vanish, but not this year. Maybe in the next 3 years I’ll have accomplished that – I’m focusing on the glass half full here. I’m healthy, I feel good and that’s what matters.

Having the test done gives me some serious peace of mind. Instead of stressing about whether it’s gotten worse or if I have something more serious etc… it feels great to know that all is still good down there and I can continue down my path to health. I suggest knowing opposed to not knowing. Get your tests done, go to the Doctor and find out what’s going on. After you know what’s happening, then you can work on alternative ways to help yourself heal. When we release the anxiety about what’s going on in our bodies it’s pretty magical – a weight lifts, you feel free. Take it from me!

Flowers over fear.


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