Lavender Soothes AND Heals

Jan 21

Being a lover of the kitchen, I’ve had one too many minor accidents including cuts and burns from knives and hot pots. Ouch! I’ve finally learned the key to taking care of a minor cooking burn – lavender oil. Yes, you heard right, lavender essential oil will really do the trick if applied everyday a few times a day.

The lavender helps dry out the burn allowing it to heal much faster then if you were just to use aloe and ice. It might hurt a pinch when you apply it, but that only means it’s working right?!

I’ve also found that it works for sun burns. After just returning from Puerto Rico this past Monday, Chad and I both had some peeling skin – but when I noticed some itchy bumps on my chest I started to worry that I had sun poisoning, shh don’t tell my Mom! (I hope she’s not reading this post! eeek… Love you Mom) – anyway, when I found the bumps I whipped out the lavender oil and I’d say it’s working quite nicely – the itching has stopped and the bumps are very minimal now.

What can I say: I’m loving these home remedies… Stay tuned for more to come!


  • Ruth says: I did read your blog on your sun poisoning, need I say anything more????? I found that when I was young and didn’t care about what the sun was doing to my skin, the best thing for a burn was aloe every few hours. Get’s rid of the blisters. I have no doubt that lavender works. What works even better is to put LOTS of suntan lotion on and not to have to worry about getting burned.
    Love you lots. 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Your loving mom

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