Archives: School lunches

Dr. David Katz Article on Pizza as a Veggie! (click picture to be taken to article)

Last week I was shocked to read in the paper that Congress was working to declare pizza as a vegetable. That’s right, they are considering the tomatoes in pizza to make it a veggie.

I’m not sure I should even continue here because I will probably rant on and on. Fortunately Dr. Katz wrote a wonderful article about this matter that I have attached here and you should absolutely take the time to read what’s happening to our school systems. This is our future, if we feed the kids garbage, they will die early from this garbage.

This is really upsetting to me. Just when I thought Jamie Oliver was making a huge impact on our school lunches now this.

What do you think?

If you haven’t watched Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution please watch it! He really is changing American lives one school at a time. As I watch the show I sit there in AWE listening to the fact that these elementary school kids don’t know that a French fry is made out of a potato. They don’t even know what a tomato is when it was shown to them – they were yelling out all different names of veggies. How sad! When Jamie held up a chicken nugget or a pizza they all screamed out the names but not the veggies.

What has our world come to?! A 6th grader on the show is borderline diabetes and the entire family is obese – even the 4 year old. This sort of thing brings tears to my eyes because they aren’t being educated on the fact that these fast food items that they make at home in their deep fryer are K I L L I N G them. Huntington, West Virginia is where the show takes place and it has been named the #1 unhealthiest place in America.

What a nightmare. Jamie sure has a lot on his hands but I’m so incredibly thrilled that he has the will power to make a change. At least someone GETS it! Too bad it had to be someone who’s NOT from America. Jamie is British and came onto our soil to change our country – something seems wrong with that picture. Why hasn’t any one of our people stepped up to the plate?! Where are our American chef’s – better question WHERE IS THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT?!

My favorite quote on the show so far:

Jamie: “does a french fry count as a vegetable?”

Rhonda: (head of following all the rules for school food in Huntington) “yes it does.”

She was being completely honest. Sure a French fry is made out of potatoes but it’s fried in saturated fat and clearly anyone remotely conscious of anything food related knows that a French fry does not count as a vegetable. I can’t believe she said yes and honestly it’s definitely offensive – the U.S. government should be ashamed of themselves.

Sorry for blogging so much anger today but this issue makes me go nuts. Watch the show and you’ll see what they are feeding these kids – I promise you’ll want to throw up. Watch it anyway – to know is MUCH better then not to know.

These are our future Americans we’re talking about here and we’ve shown them nothing but processed, fake, fast, salty, sugary foods. AWFUL.

The show airs on ABC Friday’s at 9pm. You can also watch it online if you’ve missed the first 3 episodes.