Archives: sanskrit

With the closing of my first week in yoga school I’ve taken away many thoughts and ideas. I’ve been intrigued by one in particular – the act of practicing ahimsa, meaning non-violence in Sanskrit.

Since I live in New York City, only one of the most hustling and bustling cities in the world, it’s quite difficult to practice this act of non-violence on a day-to-day basis let alone a minute-to-minute basis. While walking on the street it’s not uncommon for me to experience numerous people bumping into me without apologizing, or someone being completely rude on the subway – I must say, it’s usually quite impossible for me to block these situations out but I’ve begun to ask myself how in the world can I practice this non-violence?!

I’ve learned that the only way this seems to work for me is to constantly repeat the actual word ‘ahimsa’ in my mind when these situations arise. Sometimes I even say it quietly to myself out loud. What a relief to look back at these situations where I would normally get flustered, upset and even angry and say WOW! I actually kept to myself and didn’t let the other person effect me.

Try it!

You will definitely feel a sense of relief once you’ve looked back at the situation later on and realize what amazing progress you’ve made. Try it at least once in your day and see how it feels. I DARE you!
