Archives: sacred sleep

I couldn’t resist – she’s SO cute!

Do you get enough rest? This is a question I’ve been asking myself a lot lately. With the change of seasons, I’ve found my body wants to hibernate as much as possible – especially with the last few days being rainy and gloomy.

The trick is though; you have to give in when your body is tired. I learned this when I had mono back in high school. That was a really interesting time… All I wanted to do was sleep and I was allowed to do it! Doctor’s orders were to sleep! AMAZING!

Sometimes in my life now I get this guilty feeling when I have free time in my afternoon that I should be doing something very productive and not wasting my time sleeping.

Oh man… you therapists out there will probably have a field day with this – BUT when one works for him or herself this gets to be a problem.

How can we get rid of the guilt, allow our bodies to rest and feel refreshed?

I know many of you struggle with this, even those who work in corporate office environments.

The challenge is this: can you listen to your body, know when it’s tired and be OKAY with that? Give in already… healing happens when we sleep – really!

Sleep more, rest more and feel great! If you have a problem sleeping here are a few tips to help.

– Try taking 5-6 drops of valerian root before bed. It comes in a liquid form at the health food store

– Try taking melatonin before bed, get the sublingual kind – it melts in your mouth so it absorbs faster

– Try 1 tablespoon kuzu root mixed with warm or cold apple juice. Stir well and drink about ½ a cup of the juice before bed.

I’ve used kuzu root and valarian in the same night to ensure a great sleep. Give it a try!

With all of these remedies don’t be dependent on them for too long. Try it for 2 weeks then stop and see how you are naturally. If you’re having sleep deprivation for too long then make sure to see a doctor and get it checked out.

Sleep is sacred – treat it as such!