Archives: face wash

I can’t explain how important it is to check the ingredients on ALL your products. Last week I really had an eye opening experience. We ran out of face wash and so the first move I made was to check underneath the sink to see what we had hiding. Well, I found a Neutrogena face wash and thought, “PERFECT!” I started using this face wash and didn’t think much about it. That week I had terrible blemishes. In fact, I hadn’t seen my face break out like that since high school, or even middle school!

I continued using the face wash because I really thought it was helping me. It wasn’t until Friday afternoon when my fiancé said “wow that face wash really isn’t working for you” and I thought to myself… what in the world does he mean? Just because I have pimples doesn’t mean anything. Then I had an aha moment and went to read the ingredients on the back of the Neutrogena bottle. 3.5% Benzoyl Peroxide. There it was – the culprit. I couldn’t believe I had missed this important step. I am always so careful about reading the labels on every other product and this time I didn’t think twice about it since we already had it in the cabinet – I assumed it was fine!

Well, my face really suffered from that wrongdoing and this week I am working on correcting the terrible effects.

This is a perfect example of why it’s so important to be aware of what goes into your body AND onto your body. We usually use Desert Essence Thoroughly Clean Face Wash and I think I’ll stick with that! Next time we run out, I will use regular soap and water – that can’t do any harm… at least I hope not!