Do you REALLY know who you are?

Aug 19

Dear friends,

My mom always told me how much I wanted to be in this world as a baby, meaning… I was born a month early and when she was giving birth, I literally flew right out – literally… the doc caught me (thank g*d!!) I always thought that was the main reason she used to say this, but low and behold there is more to the story. My mom decided that I was officially of age, being 24 and married, to know what really went on back then. It all started with my conception of course, but this wasn’t just any story of hey… we’re pregnant. No, my mother had an iud placed in her uterus, which is said to “have one of the lowest failure rates of any contraceptive method.” Picture that! My mother, using birth control with a very tiny chance of getting pregnant and BAM there I was growing in her belly. Then the dr. said she had to remove the iud to actually have a safe pregnancy and that she had a 50/50 chance of losing me. Clearly here I am, safe and sound.

Have you ever wondered what your mother was going through when you were growing inside of her? Was she happy, stressed, anxious? What was her relationship status? Were you breast-fed? Gosh, so many things start while we’re in the womb and we don’t even know about them until we’re old enough (whatever age that really is anyway.)

My point is this, do you really know who you are until you know all the factors that went into making you? Maybe this is a far off idea… or maybe not. It’s something to look into if you have the opportunity to do so. Maybe you’ll learn something about yourself that you never even knew. Ask questions until you feel satisfied – you deserve to know!

Good luck, and please write back if you find out anything that totally shocks you.


  • shana says: I love all your entries. One after the other has some sort of spiritual element infused in healthy cooking/eating:)

    Health, Food, and Mental Wellness is oh so connected. I agree.

    Another thought is what mothers eat while we are in the womb and how that affects who we are and how we eat….

    • admin says: Yes it is all connected – in my opinion anyway. I agree, it would be interesting to find out what our mother’s ate while they were pregnant, cravings etc. VERY interesting

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