Simple Carbs vs. Complex Carbs

Aug 13
CRUMBS red velvet cupcake!

CRUMBS red velvet cupcake!

Yesterday I cheated a bit and had a cupcake from Crumbs, which if you are going to splurge is DEFINITELY something to indulge in!!

I learned something from this experience. Even though the cupcake was completely delicious I found out that by the time 3 o’clock rolled around, I was SO hungry that I almost couldn’t focus on anything else at work other then the hunger pangs coming from my stomach. I haven’t felt this way in a very long time and was surprised by the desire to eat yet another cupcake, or something else filled with lots of sugar.

The lesson from this is that the white flour and white sugar, which are simple carbohydrates, caused my metabolism to work too quickly. With the speed in my metabolism, my energy was used up and therefore I needed more food to finish out my day. If I had eaten complex carbs instead, my body would have taken longer to break down the glucose molecules, which in turn would leave me with more energy to finish out my day without the intense hunger pangs.

For many of you who can’t understand why you are so incredibly hungry by the end of your workday, think back to what you ate for lunch. Did you eat that extra cookie or sweet? Did you eat white bread instead of wholegrain? If so, try switching your habits and look for sweets that are fruit juice sweetened or made with agave.

If you change your midday snack to nuts, fruit, or something healthy, you will see a difference in how you feel by the end of your day. I’m sure of it.

I hope your metabolism gets back on track – I know mine will be back very soon.

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